The Power of Giving

About a week ago, I went through my local coffee drive-thru, and when I got to the window to pay, the barista informed me that the person in the car in front of me had paid for my drink. This was a first for me, and it instantly turned an otherwise mundane morning around.

I then handed her some money to pay for the drink of the driver behind me and she told me that I was now the 7th car in a row to do that. Incredible.

It is Thanksgiving morning, and I would like to share one of my favorite TedTalks with you. It's about the power of giving, and the presenter addresses not only the intrinsic benefit we receive when we give, but also the tangible results and how we can leverage giving and turn it into performance. This has powerful implications for managers and coaches looking to increase the productivity of teams.

This season, I am grateful for too many blessings to list. I invite you to spend 10 minutes and watch this video, as it's perfectly appropriate for this time of year, and has motivated me to do more to give back.

Happy Thanksgiving.

Jennifer Korfiatis